The classic organization of the text has been preserved, as is its successful pedagogical features: chapter roadmaps, preview boxes, design boxes and summary section. Although fundamentals do not usually change over time, applications do and so various detailed content is modernized, and existing figures are replaced with modern data and illustrations. Historical topics, carefully developed examples, numerous illustrations, and a wide selection of chapter problems are found throughout the text to motivate and challenge students of aerodynamics.
This book is designed for a 1-year course in aerodynamics. Chapters 1 to 6 constitute a solid semester emphasizing inviscid, incompressible flow. Chapters 7 to 14 occupy a second semester dealing with inviscid, compressible flow. Finally, Chapters 15 to 20 introduce some basic elements of viscous flow, mainly to serve as a contrast to and comparison with the inviscid flows treated throughout the bulk of the text. Specific sections on viscous flow, however, have been added much earlier in the book in order to give the reader some idea of how the inviscid results are tempered by the influence of friction.
Many additional new worked examples. When learning new technical material, especially material of a fundamental nature as emphasized in this book, one can never have too many examples of how the fundamentals can be applied to the solution of problems.
Book Details
Series: FAA Handbooks series
Hardcover: 1106 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 5th edition (February 12, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0073398101
ISBN-13: 978-0073398105
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